“Bridging the Generations” Capital Campaign

In 2018-2019, with a matching grant challenge from the Greenville Area Community Foundation, we embarked on a capital campaign. The generous support from businesses and individuals in our area helped us surpass our goal to enhance our property and exhibits, both inside and out, so our museum can be a place where people enjoy history as they see how our community began and became what it is today.

Thanks to these generous donors during our “Bridging the Generations” capital campaign:

Matching Grant $150,000:

Greenville Area Community Foundation

Gifts of $10,000 or more:

Meijer Foundation, Linda Stafford, Byron and Dee Cook, Isabella Bank, Mike and Becky Hudson, Harriette Cook, Keith and Jean Hudson, The Lothian Family, Michael and Theresa Stafford

Gifts of $5,000-$9,999

Rob and Susan Stafford, Bill and Peggy Ham

Gifts of $1,000-$4,999

Marshall and Robin Walter, Bill and Carolyn Garlick, Ken and Judy Gager, Marilyn Ferguson, Dick and Joan Ellafrits, Elenbaas Steel, Steve and Ann Elenbaas, Dr. Gerald and Mary Ellen Tovatt, Blaine and Judy Kading, Dean Schrader, Tim and Amy O’Brien, Bob and Marilyn Sowerby, Don and Julie Momber, Dwight and Jan Wheelock, Dr. John and Kimberlee O’Donald, Larry and Karen Carbonelli, Larry Alman, Julie Ellafrits, Dr. Gary and Lois Hauck.

Additional Donors include

Dr. Carol and Lois Andersen
Kathryn and John Autio
Alison Barberi
Robert and Martha Batt
Peg Berg and Greg King
Keane and Michelle Blaszczynski
Bonita Braman
Bruce and Diane Brissette
Eleanor Budge
Dr. Donald and Maureen Burns
Donna Butler
Dr. Roger and Linda Coles
Linda Collins
Kevin and Holly Cook
Lynn Cooper
Alicia Dombkowski
Robert Ferrentino
Pamela and Cliff Gress
Caryl A Hackett
Tom and Diane Hazlewood
Blaine Kading Family
Mike and Mary Ane Krum
Martin, Lisa and Hanna Lund
Marshall Funeral Home
Martin and Katy McDonough
David and Merry Kim Meyers
Les and Vesta Morford
Will and Pam Nichols
Dr. B. S. Panwar
Kirk and Barb Perry
Marvin and Grace Peterson
Tom and Sharron Pridgeon
Joann Renterghem
Jan Roberts
Eugene Rydahl
Ms Wendy Sadowski
Rick and Annette Sandtveit
Carol Sorensen
Erin Sowerby
Robert and Marilyn Sowerby
Ron and Dee Springsteen
Ms. Wilma Stevens
Wilma Stidham
Philip Tower
Jim and Kathy Jo VanderLaan
Gregory and Valerie Vandermark
Joel and Linda VanHouten
Rudy Vedovell
Don and Deanna Veitengruber
Sylvia Warner
Mark and Cynthia Warnshuis
Warren and Shelly Westbrook
Dale and Judy White
Jeffrey Wilhelm
Theresa Williams-Ralph
Leslie Ann and John Wood
Bud and Carol Zayler

And all who bought tickets or donated in any way.
We appreciate your support and look forward to celebrating our success with you!